Small Town Living

The nice part about living in a small town: When you don't know what you're doing, someone else always does.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Playing Catch Up!

Updated to add: Bear with me on my lop-sided blog....technical diffculties due to the operator:) lol!!!! Work in progress here:) lol!!!!!!!!! I'm famous for starting a project, then months later finishing it......welcome to my life.....btw.....maybe I should just leave it the way it keep it real:) But my OCD won't let me!

I've posted a couple of photo shows that I've been trying to get up and going. No explanation needed on either of tell a thousand words!

As for the new poll on my friend TW emailed me that clip of Dolly a few weeks ago. Just so ya know....I voted, "strange!" She thinks it's so sad:( lol!!!!!!!!!!!! If you listen to the song, seeing you can get past her facial expressions and ventriloquist voice skill's, it is a sad story....but come on people.....just look at her:) lol!!!!!!!!!!! TW's hubby and his first cousin CB, both think it is hysterical and he went into this laughing so hard you can't breathe episode when she showed him the video. I'm with ya JW!!! So, be a pal and vote...please!! She's just gotta know she isn't the only person in the world who thinks this is sad:) lol!!!!!!

I haven't posted about Mom in a while, due to the fact that she has been doing quite well! She is still pushing herself to the limit, but hey, I give her an A for effort! One determined lady!! Today was her montly visit to B'ham, and all is well. She will go back on July 7th, for another heart cath......she hates this test....please pray it won't be as bad as the last one! After those results, they may put the port in her chest.

That about sums it up for now!



1 comment:

K. Tilley said...

Enjoyed all the pictures.......Hayden is wanting to learn how to add pictures to his blog......I told him to ask you or Amanda cause you know his mom is "not with it" according to his first blog!!! LOL