Small Town Living

The nice part about living in a small town: When you don't know what you're doing, someone else always does.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Congratulations Class of 2008!

Looking for the future.....

We had a little reception/recognition for the graduates of our church yesterday. Oh how well I remember that feeling. Yes, I'm out of more more taking more..etc, etc. What little did I know that those were the best years of my life.....not.....I do not like to use the word "hate", but at that time it summed my feelings up pretty good towards school. But the part of having no worries, like getting a job, getting married, paying bills, the part where these kids have no clue how good they have/had it! This is a part of life and they too will make their transition to adulthood, hopefully, with ease. My prayer is that they will consult God on all decisions. He will lead them to the path He had planned for them. I love them all!

Another congratulations to our school's Lady Softball Team....they won the state championship!!!!! Hooray!!!! This is the 2nd time!!!! What an accomplishment! The girl pictured on the far right was a member of the team, and brought the trophy with her for all to see!!

Here is the bobsy twins! They were just toooo cute!! Notice the matching outfits! This is my sister P and my good friend S, who happens to be the Mom of the guy pictured above, 3rd from left. I cried as I watched him stand up there with the graduates. I was there the day he came into this world, and kept him on several occasions. My fondest memory of him was the day Mom and I decided it would be fun if we took him through the drive-in car wash thing. NOT!!! He screamed and cried! We scared that poor baby so bad! I love him to pieces!

Our pastor talked directly to them from Proverbs. Not only was it a good sermon for them, but a good reminder to us all. After the sermon, the invitation was given and son #2 tapped me on my shoulder and asked me to go with him. As I looked around I saw my older son heading towards the front too! They both joined the church and will be baptized the 2nd Sunday in June!! Oh how I look forward to that day!! My cup is still full and running over! I'm praying that more will be saved and baptized.

Praise God from whom all blessings flow!



Cheryl said...

Oh what a good post today girl!! I really love the pictures. Aren't those kids so cute! Can you believe that C is graduating?? I remember him playing Tball, seems like last year!! I think he is such a great kid. I don't have one graduating this year, mine will be next though! Oh goodness, yours will be here before you know it. Have a good week girlfriend! Love Ya!

Lisa @ The Preacher's Wife said...

We have such a great group of kids in our town!

And the skirts are just adorable. I'm thinking the Mandrell sisters but is anyone as old as me to remember that show?? :))

Anonymous said...

Braxton asked me when J & J would be baptized. He has been asking alot of questions lately....pray for him. We will be there the 2nd Sunday in June!!!
Wendy L