Small Town Living

The nice part about living in a small town: When you don't know what you're doing, someone else always does.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Don't Set In My Pew

J and M on "Mawmaw's Pew"

Or should I say....don't set in Mawmaw's pew. You know what I'm talking about, you know the secret code of church members who have set in the same spot forever. It's funny how we are creatures of habit. I just wonder what would happen if we all swapped seats for a Sunday:)? Could pose to be an interesting service. I'm game:) I think a good stirring up would do us some good!

Mom didn't feel good today and couldn't go to church and when grandson M came running up to HER PEW...he stopped in his tracks! He had the strangest look on his where is she and why are you sitting in her seat? Hubby grabbed him and we tried to entertain him! But, to no avail. He knew things were not right....that's pretty clever for a 2 year old. Don't we form these habits early or what? I'm with you M, I felt a little lost today too. I sit on Mawmaw's pew, and I felt weird to be sitting in her spot. I missed her. I noticed how M kept searching for her during church. As I sat there, I began to see just what a testimony it is for us to fill our pews. I'm talking about all of us Christians. What a witness to our loved ones, friends, neighbors, the lost, etc. A simple thing of just coming to church. You don't even have to say a word, teach, sing, get my driff. Just physically attend church every time the door is open. What an impact we can make as Christians. People watch. People know. I'm not saying other services aren't important....we are commissioned to spread the Word.....I'm just saying if you think God can't use us, in what we think doesn't really matter or makes an impact on anyone...we are wrong! Little M knows that Mawmaw goes to church and I know that will follow him the rest of his life. LITTLE IS MUCH WHEN GOD IS IN IT!!!!

I just got home from visiting with Mom, one more time, before they leave tomorrow, and I know she feels the love and prayers that is radiating from this community. She had a couple of care packages brought to her yesterday, that really meant a lot to her. Thanks C and the T's! You brightened her day! Thank you all for letting me share this time in our lives with you! You all mean so much to me and my family and we will forever be grateful! We love you all sooooo much!

P.S. Mom would want me to add that if you should ever visit our church, or are a member....she would love for you to set in her pew. There would be no hard feelings:) lol!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Carrie, as I read this post it brought tears to my eyes. They were 'combinbation' tears. Those of joy b/c of the example that our wonderful Mawmaw's set for our children and how we so easily forget that EVERY move we make is being watched and imitated. Also, tears of sorrow or sadness b/c I was reminded that now there are more times that MY Mawmaw is not able to fill her seat on her pew. We get so used to these things that often time we take them for granted and are not really thankful until it is missed. Thank you for reminding me to soak up every precious sight I see. I love you girl! and your Momma too!

*Wait on the Lord and be of good courage and HE will strenghten your heart*

Kelley said...

I linked here through the Preacher's Wife and I wanted to tell you that this post really spoke to me. My mom is more than a little obsessive about getting "her seat" at church and I hate to admit that it has irritated me just a bit. However, thinking of her NOT being there makes me feel terrible. Thank you for putting a much needed perspective on things! God bless you, and I will pray for you and your mom....
