Small Town Living

The nice part about living in a small town: When you don't know what you're doing, someone else always does.

Saturday, February 16, 2008


That's all I can say for the day and week for that matter!

Today was the dreadful "FAMILY PICTURE DAY!" Why is that so? I guess it's because of all the hassle it takes to get 3 guys and a gal gussied up and ON TIME to said appointment. Things went pretty good....which was a surprise to me! I guess the threatening worked:) Just kidding!! It had been 6 years since our church had updated our directory, so waaaay past due! Plus, it was a good excuse for us to get our family portrait.....being that son #2 was let's say about 2 years old on the last one. I'm telling you that is how bad I dreaded it! I'm so proud it's done and we can look back at it in years to come and critic the hair and clothes. Should make for a good laugh!!

Changing the subject a bit....I wanted to update on some previous prayer requests:

1) Mom-n-law got a good report on her heart tests and what seemed to point to the heart, may in fact be reflux. Good news there! Not making light of reflux...I know that is bothersome!

2) Mawmaw is doing okay. The guys got her a hospital bed put up today, which should help keep her in the bed and make things easier and safer for her. There are some decisions that will have to be made in the upcoming weeks ahead, so continue to pray for my Aunt and Mom. When the rolls reverses, with children taking care of their parents, it gets tough!

3) Mom leaves for the hospital on Monday. We are dreading this for her and she is so scared. She has a lot of emotions, with herself and Mawmaw, so please pray for her this coming week. We should know on Thursday whether or not she is still a candidate for the heart transplant. She is currently on the transplant list, but since it has been over a year since her last tests, some have to be updated. Please pray for her and Dad's safety as they travel to the hospital and their stay there this coming week. Pray for strength, courage, peace and patience to be ever present in her mind and body, and that she WILL BE A PERFECT CANDIDATE FOR A HEART TRANSPLANT!!!!

Other than all that....things are okay!

Good night and God Bless!!



Lisa @ The Preacher's Wife said...

Your mom is always in my prayers and we'll certainly lift her up this week.

And tell smart alec J that yes, my heater is PROPANE. What's the big difference anyway? They both get hot when you catch them on fire and that's all I care :)

Carrie said...

Thanks for the prayers, and I'll take you up on the pink glove for future use! lol!!!!!!

Also, J is a smart alec and only a guy would notice such a thing. I had to comment so you would know that he is an avid reader, whether he admits it or not:) The blog bug has bit him too!! Ask him about his bum knee and the handy dandy EMS unit he keeps by his bed for such aches and pains:) We are getting old:/

Cheryl said...

Praying for you and your family. Hope all goes well for everyone. Hope you have a wonderful week! God Bless~