Small Town Living

The nice part about living in a small town: When you don't know what you're doing, someone else always does.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Random Thoughts......

on Daily Bible Readings...

I am absolutely loving it! And I'm not even behind!!! Reading Job is not always a pleasant thing. It's down right depressing to read of Job's trials. However, I'm not discouraged. Each day God gives me a nugget I can carry with me from the text. Like what kind of friend am I when trouble comes to someone close to me? How do I handle the valleys in my life? Please visit
Wendy. She has lots of great insight on each daily reading.

on the book club, Spectacular Sins, that
Lisa and Missy are hosting.....

I just got the book yesterday and sat down to read last night. I was expecting this huge book that would scare me just looking at it, and to my surprise this is an itty bitty book. Ya'll I can read this!! And it makes sense!! I can't wait to finish it. As soon as I began reading the intro it was one of those light bulb moments! I've been feeling as of late about the urgency of reading God's word and getting down to the nitty gritty, the ugly stuff, and this is exactly what this book is about. The cold hard truth. No more soothing sounds or bear hugs. I need that. I need to be awakened to the realness of sin. Can I handle it with a yellow way. I'm praying God will whip me into shape so that I have a rod of steel for a spine!

on the work scene....

Psalm 34:13 says, "keep your tongue from evil." In other words, say nothing even if it means letting someone think they're right even when we know they are not." I go around saying this verse over and over in my head. Praying my tongue is listening:)

on Mom.....

She is doing good. It's such a blessing to be able to say that. Please continue to pray for her.

on Hubby and kids......

I ask that you pray for Hubby. His job has become so heavy on his heart it's often hard for him to leave it there. The economic turmoil of the country affects everyone, no matter if you have lost your job or not. Each one of us carry a unique burden directly associated with the crisis. As for the kids, well let me say, there is never a dull moment:) I'm still hearing strange noises from the bedrooms....guitar noises for clarification:)....and these noises are sounding like music now!

on the new blog design......

Well, let's just say, I'm in the re-decorating mood. And I'm so ready for SRING!! I guess this new look, is due in part to the fact I'm hanging curtains, re-arranging everything, and on the hunt for a new shower curtain for the boys bath. Hubby sat down on the couch last night and looked up and said, "you changed the lamp shades on the kitchen light." Yes dear, that was two days ago:) lol!!! Glad you noticed.

Have a blessed weekend.....



K. Tilley said...

Love the new look on the blog! I am off the first week in Feb. so I am gonna pull off the wall paper in Hayden's bathroom and paint.....well, Brian will paint.

I am sooooooo enjoying the chrono. bible!!!!! I can't stop! I am on Jan. 31st already. Haven't bought the Spec. Sin's book yet. I bought the Love Dare but haven't started it yet cause you know me.....I've got a mystery/romance book going on too. Gotta have my
Thanks so much for getting us started on the chrono. bible!!!
Have a blessed ya!

Wendy L said...

I haven't bought my chrono Bible, but I'm going to and I'll have a lot of catching up to do but I can't wait!!
Thanks for starting this and being so encourging! I love ya!

a said...

I love to get on here and see what you have to say! You crack me up!

As far as the work thing for me...I quote, "you don't war against flesh and blood"...but man does it come out that way or what?

You are an inspiration! Thank you!

Cheryl said...

I have got a chrono Bible and am trying to keep it up also! I bought mine last year. I love your new look! Did you do that?? How pretty~ Glad to hear that your Mom is doing good. Have a nice day!