Small Town Living

The nice part about living in a small town: When you don't know what you're doing, someone else always does.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Thankful for Shin Splints?

This is Hubby's current state after a long day at the mall yesterday;-)lol!! I've always told him that shopping was hard work. For it to be a recession, you could not tell it yesterday. The lines were long for checkout and the traffic jams were terrific. I must confess, I broke the law on several occasions.....u-turns...are not legal...right? All in all, he was a trooper and we had a good day. Am I done.....NOT! Will I return to town on a Saturday between now and Christmas....hopefully not;) Shopping is fun, well at least for me it is, don't ask Hubby....he is still recovering, by icing the old shins down.

On a better note......

As I sit here this morning I feel blessed.

I am thankful that we are able to do those things such as shopping; it means we have jobs. Nowadays that is truly a blessing. Mostly, I pray that I will spend the remaining weeks in awe and wonder of what this Christmas season is all about. JESUS!

Blessed that God sent His only Son to be born of a virgin birth, in a manger, so long ago.

Blessed with a peace that surpasses galaxies.

I pray for our service today and for all churches across the world. Now is the time to come together and lend a hand to those in need. Be that light to the world. Be God's hands and feet. Get the Message to all of what Christmas is all about. JESUS!

Merry Christmas,

1 comment:

Deedra said...

Sounds like he is not cut out for shopping! (Be sure to remind him of that...and the "icing of the shins" next time he ribs you about something to do with being a girl!) haha!