Small Town Living

The nice part about living in a small town: When you don't know what you're doing, someone else always does.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Proverbs to live by

As I was reading today's daily bible reading this verse spoke volumes to me: Proverbs 6:16-19, "There are six things the Lord hates-no, seven things he detest: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that kill the innocent, a heart that plots evil, feet that race to do wrong, a false witness who pours out lies, a person who sows discord in a family."

I'm so excited to be reading in the book of Proverbs, from the wise Solomon himself. And just how important it is to not only hear but really listen and apply to my heart? Very. This past Sunday School lesson was on Moses' attention getter, the burning bush, and just how important it is to really listen. I struggle with that at times. I've prayed and asked God to help me to not just hear His word but to really listen to His word. So when I read the words, Lord and hate in the same sentence, it got my attention. I know as a parent I can tell when one of mine are not really listening to my instructions. I know how upset that makes me feel, so I can imagine the disappointment the Lord has in me when I don't listen to what He is trying to tell me. But I also know that I still love them, no matter what, and He loves me even through my disobedience. But the boundaries are set. The instructions are given and there are consequences to be had if broken or not followed through. Tough love.

Wendy Pope puts it way better than I can, so visit with her today and dig a little deeper into God's Holy Word with her.

If you feel like sharing your daily walk with the Lord and this journey of reading through the Bible , please do so. You never know who might be blessed with what you have to say. Reading God's word is the main thing, whether it's Chrono style or not. I'm drawing so much strength from it and from knowing others are reading along with me.



Sue said...

I am reading in Ecclesiates and Solomon's wisdom keeps jumping off the page for me. I started reading through the Bible this year but got so bogged down I stopped but boy is my spirit parched, having done it last year & seeing God work in amazing ways.

I should just pick up where the reading would be and hop in mid-stream. A little late is better than the floundering through I'm doing these days. Thanks for the encouragement!

K. Tilley said...

I am like Sue, I have gotten so far behind but thanks to you and her for words of encouragement I am gonna go read right this very min. Love ya lots!

Cheryl said...

I am always encouraged by your words Carrie. I love that you explain how God is speaking to you. I have been asking HIM to show me something new for the Drama Team. I have searched and searched and just didn't feel right and then "BAM" yesterday HE showed me something so new and different I almost fell out of my chair! I feel so comfortable with this and pray HE will be honored through our performance! Have a good weekend! Love You!

Wendy L said...

I HAVE FALLEN OFF THE WAGON!!! but I'm getting back on....glad to hear your encouraging words....Cindy, you have no comment?? LOL
Praying for you and the family!! Love you all!