Small Town Living

The nice part about living in a small town: When you don't know what you're doing, someone else always does.

Monday, December 29, 2008

Out with 2008, bring on 2009 with a give-a-way!

12-30-08 Update: Now come on, and leave a comment...I promise I won't really make you participate. But couldn't everyone use a Chronological Bible:) It's strings attached:-) Pinkie swear! Only one more day to enter!
I had no clue the enormity of my roller coaster emotions. Wow...they were big and all over the place. This Christmas I spent lots of time reflecting on seasons past, seasons present and seasons future. With each thought or memory came either sadness or joy.
I get myself all worked up in the details of Christmas and when it finally arrives...I'm spent;-) Good thing is, I have learned a valuable lesson this Christmas. Stressing over the smallest of details equals disappointment.
Let me introduce you to the only person that will not disappoint.....His name is Jesus! To get acquainted with Him, join me in a little adventure I'm about to undertake in 2009. I just can't seem to find a cute rhyme with 2009:-)
I'm looking forward to 2009! I'm excited to start reading the Bible all the way through. Wendy Pope, speaker from Proverbs31Ministry, is hosting Wordly Wise. I have attempted this feat before, but to no avail. My prayer is that through the support of her blog and you, I will finally have read the Bible from cover to cover. I would love for you to join me and the many others who have purchased these Bibles.
So, please leave a comment and I will randomly pick a winner for a Chronological Bible for your very own. One catch, you must join me in participating with Wendy to read the Bible in 2009! It's been ordered and hopefully will be here by Jan. 01, 2009! Remember the part about me that spells PROCRASTINATE! Better late than never is my motto:) Please forgive me of that flaw....I do mean well.
May God bless you,
P.S. The deadline for entry is Wednesday, Dec. 31, 2008. I will announce the winner Thursday, January 1, 2009!

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Go Tell!

Christ was born, He died and He rose again the 3rd day!
Sing with me, "Go tell it on the mountain, over the hills and everywhere...."
Merry Christmas,

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Bon Appetit!

Yes, I survived:) And yes, they are edible.
Now it feels like Christmas.
Anxiously awaiting.....
More Family.
More Food.
More Family.
More Food.
=Blessed! All because of the birth, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ!
Merry Christmas,

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Happy Birthday Dad!

Today is Dad's 66th Birthday! I'm sure he would be fine with me telling his age. Like he would ever read this:) Those of you who know my Dad, know computer and Dad in the same sentence is just funny:) lol! Dad is not tech savvy at all. How to describe Dad?

Here are a few words that came to mind: .....Faith in God, Mom, kids/grandkids, church, neighbor, cows, competitor, disciplined, right, honest and hard-working. He loves to watch sports and played football on the college level at JSU. Something you may not have known about Dad, he taught school for a brief period at IHS, before he decided farming would be his life. He can squeeze a dollar out of a dime. A quality I didn't get from him:) lol!!! I'm sure Hubby wished I had:) lol!! Anyways, I admire him and His faith in God and how he always seeks peace in every situation. He may not outwardly show his love, but you know by his deeds. I'm proud to call him my Dad. He has really taken good care of Mom, but especially now during and since her heart attack.

And he can fall asleep in a blink of an eye........

Love you Dad! Happy Birthday!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

God's Gift To Us..

Romans 15:13, May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.

Merry Christmas,


Monday, December 15, 2008

Christmas Tour of Homes

I hope you can forgive the mess and work in progress. I have known about this tour for many weeks now and like always...I procrastinate:) Ever since the day after Thanksgiving, I have tried to finish decorating. Notice the word tried. So, enough whining and on to hosting.

Come in and sit a spell. I went out on a limb this year and tried to mix me some colors. What do you think about the pink with the red? I love to try new things. Sometime it's a hit. Most times it a miss.

This is a nativity set I received from a Sunday School student of mine. I believe it's about 12 years old. It is my favorite Christmas decoration!

Now on to the mantle. Notice the halo in the mirror. I've never saw that before now. It's right over the stable.

On to the tree. My favorite thing about the tree, is the hand made star on top. The kids made it.

I tried a different spin on hanging the wreaths. Ribbon. I love ribbon.

My very first time of purchasing chargers for my plates. And for actually setting a table complete with napkins and everything. You would have thought I have thrown the table out, by the looks I got from the boys when they came home to this. I love to rock their world;-) I just realized that my drinking glasses are not in the picture:) lol!!! I have some pretty crystal goblets...but seeing that I have only 1 table and this being THE one...well, the less you have to move to eat the better:) lol!!!

Hope you enjoyed your stay. Wish I could have served you a piece of pecan pie...maybe one of these days. Please come back ya'll...ya hear!

Merry Christmas,


P.S. Thanks BooMama for hosting!

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Thankful for Shin Splints?

This is Hubby's current state after a long day at the mall yesterday;-)lol!! I've always told him that shopping was hard work. For it to be a recession, you could not tell it yesterday. The lines were long for checkout and the traffic jams were terrific. I must confess, I broke the law on several occasions.....u-turns...are not legal...right? All in all, he was a trooper and we had a good day. Am I done.....NOT! Will I return to town on a Saturday between now and Christmas....hopefully not;) Shopping is fun, well at least for me it is, don't ask Hubby....he is still recovering, by icing the old shins down.

On a better note......

As I sit here this morning I feel blessed.

I am thankful that we are able to do those things such as shopping; it means we have jobs. Nowadays that is truly a blessing. Mostly, I pray that I will spend the remaining weeks in awe and wonder of what this Christmas season is all about. JESUS!

Blessed that God sent His only Son to be born of a virgin birth, in a manger, so long ago.

Blessed with a peace that surpasses galaxies.

I pray for our service today and for all churches across the world. Now is the time to come together and lend a hand to those in need. Be that light to the world. Be God's hands and feet. Get the Message to all of what Christmas is all about. JESUS!

Merry Christmas,

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Thanks Crazykidteacher!

My very first award! Thanks crazykidteacher...right back at ya! I'm speechless;-)....NOT. lol! I have no idea how to even pronounce this award, seeing it's not in my language and if it's Spanish...that's been uhmm...years ago. But very sweet indeed. I hope to always use this blog to be a friend and seek new ones. I love you all so much!

Here is the award description:

This blog invests and believes in the PROXIMITY - nearness in space, time and relationships! This blog is exceedingly charming. This kind blogger aims to find and be friends. This blogger is not interested in prizes or self-aggrandizement. Our hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated. Please give more attention to writers like this one and those nominated below! The rules...Deliver this award to eight bloggers who must choose eight more and include this cleverly-written text into the body of their award.
I'll add three, to crazykidteacher's five, to make the eight.
Consider It All Joy
Merry Christmas,

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

26 Questions you are dying to know about me....

As I was visiting with crazykidteacher yesterday, she had participated in a Christmas tag. I thought it would be fun, so here it goes....

Here are the rules:

1. Post the rules on your blog.

2. Fill out the questions.

3. Tag 5-7 people at the end of your post.

4. Pass on the tag!

1. Egg Nog or Hot Chocolate? Hot Chocolate.

2.Do you wrap presents or just sit them under the tree? Wrap, wrap, wrap with lots of ribbon.

3. Colored lights on house/tree or white? White lights on tree. Not attempting the house:)

4. Do you hang mistletoe? Yes! The real thing; not store bought. The redneck way...we shoot it down out of the tree tops. Fun! Nothing like a trip with Hubby and boys, in the woods, with loaded guns:)

5.When do you put your decorations up? I'm still trying to get it done:)

6. What is your favorite holiday dish (excluding dessert)? Sweet potato casserole

7. Favorite holiday memory as a child? Our neighbor Mr. Crabtree coming over to see our toys.

8. When and how did you learn the truth about Santa? 3rd grade......cried

9. Do you open a gift on Christmas Eve? No way. Make 'em sweat:)

10. How do you decorate your Christmas tree? white lights, snowmen and red, green and gold ball ornaments. The last 3 are my new favorite things...Sam's Wholesale!

11. Snow. Love it or dread it? It's a love/hate thing:)

12. Can you ice skate? Attempted it..but...No, it involves limbs...mine tend to go their separate ways;-)

13. Do you remember your favorite gift? A long leather coat...I still have it...going on 20+ years

14. What is the most important thing about the holidays to you? God,Family & Friends...sorry couldn't keep it at just one.

15. What is your favorite holiday dessert? Pecan pie

16. What is your favorite holiday tradition? Reading the Christmas story with the kids.

17. What tops your Christmas tree? A glittering star that my kids made

18. Which do you prefer giving or receiving? I love giving!!

19. What is your favorite Christmas song? O Beautiful Star of Bethlehem

20. Candy Canes. Yum or Yuck? Yummy!

21. What do you want for Christmas? Mom to get a heart

22. Do you attend an annual Christmas party? Yes, work.

23. Do you dress up for Christmas Eve or wear PJ's? PJs.

24. Do you own a Santa hat? Yes!

25. Who do you normally spend Christmas with? Family!

26. Favorite Christmas Movie. I love them all.

That was fun! Now, you try!

Merry Christmas,


Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Common Courtesy

Everyone knows what common courtesty (CC) is, but do we really? Am I teaching my children to be nice at all times? Hopefully I can mark that a check yes on my list of parenting musts. I? I hope I do. Bro. Steve mentioned in his sermon many times Sunday the old cliche of, "if you are going to talk the talk, then we need to walk the walk." Ooooohhh...ouch....

Needless to say I still have me some sore toes after that sermon.

In this world today, with all the hustle and bustle of life, then you throw Christmas in the mix...well, it seems it brings out the worst in me. That is a shame. Shame on me for letting what humans have capitalized on, get the best of me. Christmas is the season of new birth. A gift from God of........


Humble beginnings.





Among all of these, the greatest being LOVE.

As I take a deep breathe and gather my bearings, I hope and pray that I will always go with a smile on my face and a kind word to say. And not let the stresses of the season sabotage my walk. Most importantly I do not want to disappoint my heavenly Father who came to earth to die for me.

I want to leave with a few good CC Rules that I read across this week.

(1) Go out of your way to speak to people. Proverbs 16:24
(2) Try to remember their names - it shows you value them.
(3) Smile; it increases your "face value."
(4) Be friendly and helpful. If you do, people will return it. Proverbs 18:24
(5) Show genuine interest. You can find something good in almost anybody, if you try. Php 4:8
(6)Be generous with your praise and cautious with your criticism.
(7) Be slow to judge. There are three sides to every story - your side, their side, and the right side.
(8) Instead of "using" others, serve them. Gal. 5:13
(9) Start trusting people-it builds lasting relationships.
(10)Be humble.

(a) It speaks well of your parents. Mt 5:16
(b) It determines your level of blessing. I Peter 3:9

Just to clarify, I have 10 fingers pointing back at me, so in no way am I making accusations towards any specific person needing a lesson on CC. I know I am preaching to the choir, just sing along with me. It just seems when I look around, myself included, I see despondent faces everywhere. There is HOPE people! We are entering into a wonderful season where HOPE abounds. I pray that today I will lift my face toward the sky and remember this special time of the year as the most wonderful time of the year!

I just needed a refreshers course:) lol!!!

Merry Christmas,

Friday, December 5, 2008

Fphoto Friday

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!

Thanks to marriedtothepreacher for hosting Fphoto Friday!

God is so good,


Thursday, December 4, 2008

Prayer Request

Update below....

Today a very dear friend of our family is having open-heart surgery to replace a valve. BB is the kind of neighbor who will take care of you. He and his wife are so thoughtful and kindhearted. If you want to know who is sick and how they are, just call them. They are God-fearing, praying servants, who will visit and bring you the BEST EVER peanut brittle. As they face this crisis today, I would appreciate your prayers for him and his family today and the coming months of his recovery.

We lost a precious soul in our church family last week. Precious was her name. Very fitting for such a lady. BB and Ruth have taken such good care of her and her family, as did her niece. I know that each of them will wear an extra crown in Glory. God is faithful to them that love Him and care for His own. I am reminded today, and would love to share a little story that touches me every time I hear it.

During the funeral of Precious, the preacher shared a story she had told to him about her and her husband. I grew up next door to this couple. I loved them both so much. When you saw one, you saw the other. They shared over 60 years together! She told the preacher that when his eyesight was gone and she was on a walker, they would still try and make a garden. She would hold her cane next to the plant, while he would hoe around it. Now if that ain't teamwork!

God promises us if we have faith, even mustard-seed-size faith, He can move any mountain standing in our way.

Today as BB is having surgery and his wife anxiously awaits, I'm reminded of another couple just up the road, who faced such mountains together and with God's love, overcame each one.

I will post an update later on this afternoon.

Thank you for your prayers,

Update.......BB made it through surgery okay. Praise the Lord! He will stay in ICU for a few days. Thanks for your prayers!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Hanging Out To Dry....

Remember the time when clothes lines were actually a must? Think about it, who used a clothes dryer back when? Around our neck of the woods, those appliances were used only when it was an emergency/have to situation. I used a clothes line up until just a few years ago. Between my job, the boys and their extracurricular activities the clothes line came down. That was a sad day. It was almost as sad as the proposed memorial/burial service we were to have for my friend, KT's, beloved Esprit flip flops;-) ROFL!!!!!!!!!!!!

I miss it. There is nothing like the feeling of trying to step into a stiff pair of jeans straight from the clothes line. NOT! But the sheets....aaahhh those days.

I cannot believe I just said that.

But.....seeing that when I went to get a load out this morning and they were still wet...makes me reminisce about the good 'ole days. I'm contemplating reverting back to my old friend the clothes line. Not! Yet!

I refuse, well I prefer not to buy an appliance here at Christmastime. My sister C can sympathize with me;-) Right sis? lol!! I knew when Hubby was poking fun at you over the Thanksgiving house swap, that we would suffer the consequences:) Stuff always comes back to you. lol!

Something will have to give, 'cause I'm running out of clothes hangers and door facings:) lol!!!!!!!!!

Dear Santa,
My Mommy needs one of these.

A girl can dream...right?


Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Update on Mom...

Mom had a doctor visit yesterday with the transplant team. They did an ultrasound on her chest/neck to see just how small her arteries are in those areas. This is where the port will need to be, once the transplant takes place. The arteries are very small, but thankfully no blockages. Praise the Lord! A couple of months ago they tried to move her current pic line to her chest and could not, due to being too small. Please pray that when the time comes, and she needs the port, those arteries will support it.

Other than that, she is doing okay.

Thanks for your continued prayers and support!


Monday, December 1, 2008

Lordy, Lordy KT is 40!

There is nothing like getting up at the crack of dawn in search of a bargain. We shopped until we dropped....physically. There is only so much I can take on zero sleep, adrenalin rush, and mobs of people:) Really. But we managed to have a laugh or two at my friend KT's expense. She needing a little "cracking up" and "instructions" on how to get through the next 40 years:) lol!!!

Ya'll she's 40 today! Over the hill!

The 40 Club....

And other soon-to-be members......

Join me in wishing KT a very Happy 40th Birthday!


Saturday, November 29, 2008

Thankful for.....

........the love of a Mother and daughter.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

I cannot pass this Thanksgiving up, without remembering a very special one I celebrated with my Sister C two years ago. After Mom's heart attack and she was flown to B'ham, we took turns staying with her. Sister C and I were there on Thanksgiving. After a day at the hospital with Mom, we settled into our hotel room for the night with room service. Complete with double-decker gourmet hamburgers, kicking cookies and a flower;) It couldn't have been any better.....well, except of course Mom at home and we were all around the table eating her scrumptious spread. But, that wasn't God's plan and he more than blessed us by sparing Mom, making us even more thankful!

My guys have abandoned me this Thanksgiving for a hunting trip. Go figure:) Anyways, after chasing a very long rabbit, to get to my point...which is.....I plan on having Thanksgiving with Mawmaw at her Assisted Living home. I'm looking forward to it!

After years of the routine family get together's, I've realized that while that is all wonderful and I miss it, things change. Whether we are having room service or a family dinner around the table, God blesses!

I'm thankful for God's perfect plan of salvation, and for saving me so many years ago. I'm looking for that Glad Reunion Day! He has blessed me with a wonderful husband, children, family and friends. I have a roof over my head, food on the table, and shoes on my feet. What more do I need? Not one thing.

I want to wish each and everyone a Happy Thanksgiving!


Tuesday, November 25, 2008

The Agony Of Defeat!

I'm a sore loser. It's a trait hubby and I have both passed down to the boys. You might think, "it's just a game." Well, it is.....but......what life lessons we can learn from them. For instance, just when you think you are getting ahead, all of a sudden the car breaks down, and everything you had saved up is instantaneously depleted. Because not only did the car break down, the refrigerator, stove, washer and dryer all expired at the same time. Now you are behind and in the hole. What to do? You can't quit.

Our advice to son #1 was that you gain through your pain. If we never had disappointments, we would never turn to God for direction. We would not be able to share that great testimony with unbelievers, that when all the money was gone and the bills were due, an unexpected check came in the mail. And tell about the time when breakfast was provided at our lowest moment, when complete strangers gave words of comfort. It's times like these, we would miss out on, if life's struggles didn't come our way.

Losing isn't fun. What I do know, is that most victory's came from a struggle at some point. Draw from them. Remember the time. Give God the glory!

Keep on keeping on! Never give up!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Thankful Thursday

As this year is coming to a close, I've been reflecting on things past. My, my, what wonderful things He has done in my life.

~The Gentle Shepard came one Tuesday night at two sons were saved!
Thank you Jesus!
~My niece and nephew were saved!
Thank you Jesus!
~Sons and niece were baptized together!
Thank you Jesus!
~BIL and nephew were baptized together!
Thank you Jesus!
~Mom is awaiting a heart transplant. I'm thankful she has been able to wait at home.
Thank you Jesus!

Current Praises!

~Hubby and I both have jobs!
Thank you Jesus!
~We are all healthy!
Thank you Jesus!
~The beautiful display of colors this fall!
Thank you Jesus!
~I paid $1.75/gallon for gas last night!
Thank you Jesus!

Something weird just happened; I paused to read my devotion and the title for it today is "Be grateful for your blessings." How fitting! So, I'll end today's Thankful Thursday with a few lines from it.

Only as you look back do you realize that what you have, is much more important than all the things you don't have.
Happiness doesn't come from getting what you want, it comes from appreciating what God's given you.
Instead of whining and complaining about your lot in life, stop and ask yourself, "What would I take in exchange for what I have?" If you don't know the answer, begin counting your blessings and thanking God for them.

Blessings to you,

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Cardboard Testimonies

My friend SH shared this video with me today. It really blessed my heart. I hope it will do the same for you!

God is so good,

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Verse of the day

"Have a sane estimate of your capabilities" (Romans 12: 3-4 Phillips)
God is so good,
P.S. I'm I the only one who has never heard of this translation?

Monday, November 17, 2008

Manic Monday

I feel as if I'm on a fast track to nowhere. Life is passing so quickly. The weeks are so full with places to be, things to do, I feel as if I'm on the edge of my seat at all times.....physically speaking:) There is no sense in sitting all the way back in a seat or dare I say prop my feet up, 'cause as sure as I do, it's time to be somewhere else.

Life throws changes our way. How are we going to deal when the curve ball is thrown? Today I choose to wait, pray, keep a watchful eye and then give it all I've got! If you had asked me how I dealt a few days ago, well, let's just say it wasn't pretty:)

When we get stressed out, we break down and allow our emotions to get all out of control. It seems lately I've noticed more anger from people, myself included, over the pettiest things. Why?

Today's devotion hit me hard. It was titled, "Control your anger." Very timely. Ephesians 4:31-32 says, "Get rid of all....anger.....forgiving each forgave you."

My prayer is to start every day by asking God to help me act in ways that honor Him.

God is so good,

Friday, November 14, 2008

Update on Sister P

I mentioned yesterday about Sister P having surgery today....well, she is on her way home and doing fine. I would go into more details, but since men readers are lurking....she wouldn't appreciate me going into the details;-) Enough said!

Thank you for all your prayers and kind thoughts!


Fphoto Friday...summing up the week

Beautiful flowers picked by Niece S

Family's Old Saw Mill....beginnings of our house

Riding with Pawpaw

Thanks to married to the preacher for hosting Fphoto Friday.

God is so good,


Camera: Kodak EasyShare M853

Setting: Auto

Location: Pawpaw and Brother J's pastors

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Lordy, Lordy Sister P is 40!

Love you!


Prayer Request: Please pray for Sister P tomorrow. She is having day surgery. Coincidence...turning 40 one the next? ;)

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Veteran's Day

I would like to say thank you to all the Veterans out there. I thank you and your families for all the sacrifices made, allowing me to live in, "the land of the free." I'm reminded today of my Mawmaw. She always observed this holiday by cooking up this awesome meal for Pawpaw and Uncle R. Both served and fought for this country. We would all gather round the table and she would tell us of when Pawpaw went to war. Also, of how sad and worried she stayed when Uncle R went to Vietnam. I know how calloused her knees were from praying. They both returned home, physically unharmed, but emotionally wrought. I admire her strength. She made it her life goal to make sure they knew that she never forgot.

I'm sad today because she is no longer able to have those dinners. I'm sad today because both Pawpaw and Uncle R have gone on. I miss them. At the same time, I'm smiling because they are no longer suffering and are at home with the Lord. Imagine the feast there. Mawmaw's can't compare....and that's saying a lot!

We may not be gathered around Mawmaw's table today, but the memories are flooding my soul. I hope to one day share with my grandchildren just how Mawmaw honored Veterans Day.

God is so good,

Monday, November 10, 2008

"That I may know Him." Philippians 3:10

Have you ever thought of why we suffer? I'm talking physical or emotional. I know I've never known real suffering like Paul, but at some point in our lives, we go through valleys. Who is the first person you turn to? God should be #1 on the list, but who after that? Your significant other, parent, sibling, son, daughter, friend, pastor....and on and on. Whoever that special person(s) are in your life, they want to share in your sufferings. That's how we become intimate with someone. We share everything!

This sentence jumped from the page at me this morning; "I only want to share the good times with you, keep your suffering to yourself." No way, not me. I dare to say none of you would want someone to feel that way about you, or you would say that to another person. I want my friends and family to share their burdens. That's how we travel this road.....together!

Imagine how God must feel when we get that intimate with Him. Casting all our cares upon Him. A true relationship is formed. You can feel love from Him. His sweet Holy Spirit rests in my heart, enabling me to make it another day.

I'm thankful today to call Him my Heavenly Father.

I'm thankful today that I can lean on Him through all life's trials.

I'm thankful today He has placed me among the best family and friends in the world.

I'm burdened with friends and family that are facing tough times now with sickness. I'm praying for them. I'm thankful we have that intimate relationship where we can all lean on each other, and together lift our hearts in prayer for healing.

God is so good,

Friday, November 7, 2008

Fphoto Friday

Sing with me, "How Great Thou Art."

9 ......And the LORD God made all kinds of trees grow out of the ground—trees that were pleasing to the eye and good for food......Genesis 2:9.
Thanks to marriedtothepreacher for hosting fphoto friday!
God is so good,

Location: Around the house
Camera: Kodak EasyShare M853
Camera Setting: ISO

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Dry Run

Added to say......scroll down

In case you haven't heard.....Mom got "the" call at 4:50 pm yesterday. Craziness abounded:)....which is common in our family:) As the title was a dry run. We were 15 minutes from the hospital when we got the call. There are just no words to explain the atmosphere in the car at that time. Needless to say, we had to pull over and re-group. It was the antibody factor preventing the match. But, we will not give up. God is able! We are trusting and believing in His Word!

I'm exhausted to say the least. There is something about when your adrenalin kicks in and then it suddenly takes a nose dive:) I'm sure it burned enough calories to cover the DQ stop we made on the way home:) lol!! Yeah...we managed to have some laughs (ahem..sister C) amidst the disappointment. Mom suggested we finish the race, and that we did. We drove right up to the hospital where she was supposed to be. It felt good to just see it all the way through. We all know the short-cut way now, so no surprises. There is a reason for everything. I know it made it so real to me and seeing how we've all been feeling lately, it's exactly the boost we needed. God knows!

I'll leave you with some pics of the roller coaster ride.

Sister P at the helm....she has some mad driving skilz:)

Mom and Sister C

Thanks for all the prayers and everything that you did on our behalf yesterday. We could not make it without all of you! You are such blessings!

I stopped by Mom's this morning. She slept good and seemed to be in good spirits.

Praising God through it all!

Love to all,


It was brought to my attention that I never mentioned Dad:) Sorry...I told you it was utter chaos:) When Mom got the call, she told the lady that she couldn't find her husband, to which she said, just get somebody to bring you:) lol!! Needless to say we called him numerous times. To his defense he is a farmer. No explanation needed. When he finally answered my call, I was in such a way, that he was asking me to please slow down, so he could understand what I was saying. He managed to get home and cleaned up, but before he hit the road, we called him.

Brother J and SIL M were in B'ham with their daughter S for her doctor appointment. They were waiting for us. Everything seemed to falling into place.....or to us it did. But our way is not God's way! Thank goodness!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Sweet Holy Spirit

This is my testimony!

Update #2 on Mom is posted below.


Monday, November 3, 2008

Mom Update

Update #2 below...

Good Monday to you,

As I'm typing, Mom is in B'ham. She was scheduled for a heart cath and doctor visit today. However, she has had a stomach bug over the weekend. She said she was better and was determined not to miss this appointment. I read this verse in my daily devotions the other day, to which it describes Mom to a tee; " The strong spirit of a man will sustain him in bodily pain or trouble." Proverbs 18:14 At times she gets down, questions, grows weary, but with the prayers of her church/friends and the wonderful grace of God, she regains that inner fight and refuses to give up.

I'm asking each of you to pray for her today. Pray the heart cath goes well and she gets to see the doctor. In her condition as of late with the bug, they may ask her to just simply go back home.

As soon as I hear something from her, I'll update.

Thank you so much for your prayers and support! We love you all so very much!


Update #1.... Just got off the phone with Mom...2:11 pm...and she had the heart cath this morning. She said it wasn't too bad and it showed that she was too dry (fluid wise).... they are instructing her to drink and eat more:)..and reduce the amount of fluid RX she takes. Now she is waiting to see Dr. Kirkland. This may or may not happen. As you know, she has tried seeing him on numerous occasions, to no avail. Good Lord willing, maybe today will be the day! Back l8r with more.....

Update #2....I stopped by Mom's this morning and she looked good. She got to see "the" Doctor Kirkland. God is good! She described him as small in stature, with a very quite and kind personality. He is the doctor who will most likely do the transplant. He explained how he could not get the pic line in her chest. She is just too small frame and her arteries could not hold such a big line. However, they are confident her neck will support the port that she will need with the transplant. Whew!! Also, the pic line meds are working wonders for her. Without them she would be in very bad shape. He is pleased with how well she is doing on them and will not move it from her arm. Mom came away feeling better in spirit too. He told her he is expecting her to get a heart in the near future. The antibody factor, is just that! It is harder to find the right match, but not impossible and has been done, lots of time before. Yeah!! He just reinforced her need to stay as healthy as she can. more losing weight!

I cannot express my gratitude for all your prayers! I'm praising the One who has kept her thus far and will see her through. God is so good! He loves me and loves you so much! There isn't anything to big for Him!

Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween Southern Style

There's nothing like looking out at this every morning:) However, the bandits left evidence.....a Saints Toboggan:) Gotcha!

All in fun! My kids have rolled a yard or two...too:)

Now on to the cleanup:) I'm thinking my birthday present will come in handy.


Thursday, October 30, 2008


It's not Wednesday....but....this totally works for had to! If you suffer from allergies or sinus trouble at all, you will want to take note. Go here for RELIEF! You can find it at Wal-Mart, Target, etc., better yet...visit your local drug store. My local drug store is awesome. I had an unexpected $30 credit on my last RX refill. Now that makes me happy! MC and IDS you rock!!

It's cheap people! $3 for the applicator and $10 for 100 packets of the rinse. Ask your pharmacist, they may have it behind the counter.

What's crazy, I had given SIL this advice, only the Neti Pot, and never went through with it for myself. So, you have two choices, the NeilMed or the Neti Pot. Why don't I listen to myself?

I feel as if all the fog I've been in lately has lifted. I can see clearer, breathe easier and hopefully think clearer:) Amazing at what a good nasal irrigation can do:) and what came out:)....oooohhh.

Kinda messy, but definitely worth it! It's strange how you can squirt water up your nose on one side, and it comes out both your mouth and other nostril simultaneously. Cool!

All of this stems from a visit I made to the ENT yesterday. It's funny how when you think one thing is wrong with you, but the DR. proves otherwise. All this time I was thinking allergies were my enemy, to find out in fact it was my gut the whole time. TMI...I know. Anyways my allergies scaled down to 2 out of 4 for hickory nut trees and sugar maples. Not enough to be wreaking the havoc I was experiencing. Hopefully this will be the LAST post on allergies and such. I'm expecting NeilMed, Omnaris and Prevacid to cure all that is ailing me:)

Now on to what was really on my mind....

Mom felt like traveling with me. Bless her heart. It was a LONG day of testing and doctor visits. As always, she was a trooper. Thanks to God, and the prayers of my friends and church family for praying for Mom. I've been worried about her lately and it was great to be able to spend the day with her, even though it was in doctor offices. We talked. I just needed that! I hope it helped her as much as it did me!

Somehow:) we managed to have some fun. We had an itch we needed to scratch:), that required Belk and Target to fix. It's amazing what new clothes will do.

Oh and don't forget the snickers blizzard!


Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Mrs. Stretch Armstrong

Why was stretch Armstrong a man versus a woman? I mean can men really stretch like that? I'm getting the strong part, but the stretching?
Stay with me here:)
I remember brother having one of these back when, and all he was interested in was what was on the inside. Like most typical little boys, he did just that...cut it open and to have this oooey, gooey, slimy mess ooze out. Fun! Or just stretch it too it's limits and it would break.
Now that's what I'm talking about. Stretched to the limit. And the next thing I know, this slimy mess of nothingness consumes me and spills out. Not good. How do I get myself to this point. Pulled in every direction, but getting no where!
If only.....
I would consult the Father on His way.
If only.....
I would be still and know the He is God.
If only....
I would take His hand and let Him lead.
I was reminded as of late how important it is for me to stop and smell the roses. I cannot be effective for Christ if I'm running on fumes. That must explain my 3 hour nap yesterday:) I cannot be a good wife, mother, sister, friend, if I'm spinning in circles. But...don't you just love those buts....with the school owning my boys and everything thing else they are involved in....where is the time to actually sniff a rose:) Much less find one in my yard that is still living, due to neglect on my part, because of yet once time. I hear Mom speak of enjoying this time in my life, because once it's's over. I know and understand that.
But still.....
"We make plans...but the Lord decides." Proverbs 16:9

Monday, October 27, 2008

Ya'll Bless My Heart

I'm drinking from the saucer, 'cause my cup has overflowed!

Thanks sisters for all the wonderful comments you left from this post. I'm typing through the tears. They touched me so.

There have been some strange things going on lately. Seems God is in every detail of them too! Of course!

I love affirmation!

How cool is that?

Point being, when we get our words and thoughts aligned with the Scriptures.....good things happen. Why do I even question? Thoughts of, "I can't, why me, are you sure, what will they think, etc.....should be rephrased to, "yes Sir, anything you ask Lord, who cares what they think, I can, I will, ask me, I'll try, and so on and so on." I expect that from my children. What makes me think God doesn't expect that from me. I know how I feel when I hear my boys say the negative woe is me. I want to scoop them up and say, "yes you can, just try, you can do it, trust me."....oooooh...ouch.....I can't imagine how many times, especially at work lately, I've been faced with branching out, having to do things that are not necessarily in my safe zone. My knee-jerk reaction is, "I can't, I've messed that up, get somebody else, they can do a better job."

Poor excuses.

God will give you the grace and courage to face any obstacle or task before you. Just say yes. Believe me, it's better than taking a whipping any old day!

I just can't praise Him enough!!


Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Touched By An Angel Or Two

Updated to add: KT left a comment below. Go check it out! Coincidence...I don't think so. Goose bumps. Also, Mom had the heart attack on November 19th, 2006, for those of you who were curious of the date. I can always remember it was around Thanksgiving. Sister C and I shared that Thanksgiving all by ourselves.......another post.....another day.

For some reason this morning I was reminded of an instance when my sister P and I was visited by an angel or two. Before I tell the story, today was one of those mornings. You know, the kind where you wake up late, and have 1,200 things to do before you head to work. Not a pretty site. Lots of hurry up, we are running late, pants to iron, no clean jeans, wrong choice of jacket....get my driff:) Bus or no bus, the boys were going to eat the ham and cheese biscuits that I made:), whether they brushed teeth or not...sorry KT....those bicuits were going to be digested:)

We managed to catch the bus. I feel regret for getting in such a tissy and not hugging the boys one more time, and kiss Hubby goodbye to add another 5 years:), I need him around ya'll to keep me straight. Then all of a sudden as I'm applying mascara while brushing my teeth:), God just flooded my mind with this:

Some 2 years ago......

My sister P and I were at the hospital with Mom. This was when she had her heart attack. We were waiting, when the nurse requested we come back, because Mom seemed to do better when one of us was with her. As we were visiting, Mom just went out on us. The machine was showing the flat line. The next thing we knew, the room was filled with lots of people. And we were taken by the arms and escorted out.

As we sat waiting, the first angel came. She was great. She talked us through the whole ordeal. Keeping us focused on God and what He can do. To which He did. He brought her back to us.

Earlier that morning, as we were trying to catch some zzzz's in our straight chairs in the waiting room, we were starving. The kind of hunger where I didn't think I could even get out of my chair, I was so weak. We would just set there, numb and look at each other, like now what. We know we need to eat, but we cannot muster enough strength to actually get up. As we sat there in a room full of people, here comes angel #2. He walked straight over to me and handed me a Hardee's bag. In it was several hot biscuits of all varieties. He said he wanted to share these with me. Sister and I got up and went to find him, after he walked out, to thank him. We couldn't find him anywhere.

Why this was so real to me this morning, I have no idea.

Maybe it's for you.

Maybe it was to remind me to stop and smell the roses before my children are grown.

Maybe to remind me that God supplied our needs that day. Waiting for a new heart is difficult on so many levels. It has really been weighing on me lately, because I know it has Mom. Maybe this recollection of that day, is God's way of showing me.... He can. He will. In His time. In His way.

Maybe to show me that when I have a conviction to do something out of the ordinary for someone...I should obey.

Whether you've heard me tell this a time or two, I just couldn't shake it this morning. It was so real! Blessed my heart...again!! I love to feel the Sweet Holy Spirit. Especially on days when I feel as if I didn't deserve it. God is that good. He loves me even when I complain, or when I'm upset, or when I'm ill as Deb puts it:) He loves me through it all.

I want to praise Him today. I want the world to know that I serve a risen Savior who supplies all our needs!


Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Love thy neighbor as thyself

Sounds familiar? It should, we have probably heard and memorized Matthew 22:39 our whole lives. But do I really love myself that much? Hmmmmm...probably not. I should, but days when loving myself is lacking....can I really love my neighbor?

My devotion this morning was titled, "Accepting yourself." That is such a tight rope to balance. We certainly are not to be vain, but to love ourselves in a healthy way. Easier said than done. But not impossible, for nothing is impossible with God. He can see past my sinful nature and restore in me a new heart. A new way to see myself.

I hate to look in the mirror. Yet, I have them all over the house. I'm constantly dodging them:) I glance long enough, so as to make sure I'm not going to scare myself or others:) lol!! As the case lately, the mirror screams, " the bags under your eyes are the size of Mt. Rushmore." Mirrors and pictures do not lie! Truth hurts, it's ugly at times, but it's what I need. If I didn't take a look, OMG, what a mess I would be.

So I'm taking inventory.

Not closet inventory. Which reminds me of something I read about people being like a chest of drawers. We have a "drawer" for each situation we encounter. I pray that I will be a hope chest and have only 1 lid and that all the treasures inside belong to Jesus!

Good 'ole soul searching.

I love light and sunshine! Therefore, the use of mirrors to reflect the light. I want my house to be as light as possible. Shouldn't I reflect the light of Jesus? By all means, yes! Can I accomplish that, if I'm constantly beating myself up over how bad a Mom, wife, daughter, sister, friend, neighbor I am? Don't think so. I use concealer to mask the bags under my eyes. What am I using to conceal my insecurities?

Lots of food for thought. So, while I'm pondering on all that, have you ever really thought about loving yourself? Be honest.
